Alexander Maerz
Head of Global Sales for Hanwag – SalesAlexander's Trek

with Hanwag
Hometown: Penzberg, Germany
Currently Based In: Vierkirchen, Germany
Languages I speak: German and English
Memory in Nature: First skiing experience with my Dad.
I joined Fenix Outdoor: Long Term Vision Company not looking for fast trends. Always been super keen to work in the Outdoor Industry as this is my private passion as well - Hanwag was just the perfect fit at the right time.
Part of my Job: Flexibility. Freedom to take decisions that shape the long term future of the company and it´s employees.

Outdoor Activity: Running, Cycling, Hiking, Swimming, Tennis, Triathlon and others

Current Mountain I'm Climbing: Improve my excel skills, and parallel work on new knowledge like Power BI for example. Constantly improve my language skills (English) and add one new a language (SWE)

I am most proud of in my work: Secure the jobs for the Hanwag employees in difficult times. We have been able to maneuver the company through the storm in challenging times - now even with great potential future outlook ahead.