Harald Born
Fieldtest Coordinator & Product Specialist Fjällräven – SalesHarald's Trek with Fenix Outdoor
Hometown: Örnsköldsvik, SE
Based In: Göteborg, SE
First Memory in Nature: My first memory in nature is when I was little and went out exploring the forest and how I dared to go a little bit further from home each time, I still dare to venture on longer and longer adventures the further I explore in nature
Why I joined Fenix Outdoor: My first encounter with Fenix was when I was young and bought my first outdoor gear for my adventure at Naturkompaniet in Västerås Sweden. Since then I have forever thought about Naturkompaniet as the store with hard earned knowledge and kindness to the ones that don't know that much about the outdoors, they were not sales persons, they were people that inspired me. That is the main reason I joined Fenix, to be able to inspire as I have been inspired.
Favorite Part of my Job: My favorite thing with my job with Fjällräven is that I can inspire people. No day is the same and the things I have been able to do and the places I have been able to see are something I prize. At Fjällräven and Fenix, the job is truly what you make of it.
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Packrafting, Mountaineering, cross-country skiing, long winter adventures/Expeditions, outdoor courses, photography and just being outside with my loved ones.
Current Mountain I'm Climbing: Right now the mountain im climbing is how I in the best way possible introduce my 6-year-old daughter to the beauty of being outdoors without she feels any pressure to like it they way we do. It's a delicate balance. We do our best to do small adventures and also making sure the first prio is that it should be fun, so there have been some tent camps in the living room.
What I am most proud of in my work: I feel involved in the brand and i feel I really am able to use my skillset and love for the outdoors and the Fjällräven brand.