Sylvia Sanchez
Retail Operations Specialist - Fjällräven – SalesSylvia’s Trek with Fjällräven
Hometown: El Paso, Texas

Languages I speak: English, Spanish and German
First Memory in Nature: My Father took our family camping in New Mexico for a week when I was five. He was in the military and would teach us survival/camping skills, which included having me and my six year old brother-the youngest of our family, set up our tent and build fires. At the time, we felt like it was a lot for us kids but we still had fun. It was one of the handfuls of time other than fleeting weekends to spend with him. I now understand what my Father was providing for us that week, it was about life skills and beyond what that five year old could comprehend at the time.
Why I joined Fenix Outdoor: I was familiar with the tech packs, having borrowed one of my friends Kaipack for a trip in 2016. I saw they were opening a store in SF and remembered the pack. I was curious to learn more about the brand and was impressed by what I saw so I applied.

Favorite Part of my Job: I love being able to train and develop a team and see them succeed in their roles. Everyday is a chance to learn something new with them or about them and to teach them something new.
Favorite Outdoor Activity: Being outdoors with my dog, hiking, camping, fishing and outdoor meditation.
Current Mountain I'm Climbing: I am working being more active verbal/speaking up on calls, and on building a hyper local community in SF/Jackson Square.
What I am most proud of in my work: Seeing my Team grow! Seeing more of the brand out in the city, when customers come back and share stories of using their gear on adventures and being stoked about it. Making connections in the community that benefit everyone and inspires others.