Kasper Helbo Holmboe
Country Manager Denmark at Fenix Outdoor – SalesKasper’s Trek with Fenix Outdoor
Hometown: Aarhus, DK
Currently Based In: Aarhus, DK
Languages I speak: Danish, English, German, Norwegian & Swedish.
First Memory in Nature: I was at a very young age in the Faroe Islands and I was fascinated by the mountains and the colors that nature created. The air feels completely different in such an environment. I often visualize myself back to this amazing unique nature experience that I had there.
Why I joined Fenix Outdoor: I liked quality textile products and that was something I knew Fjällräven stood for and that was the biggest reason why I applied for the job again when the opportunity came. I had been denied the same job 7 years earlier. But I was lucky the opportunity came again and so I have now been here for 13 years.
Favorite Part of my Job: It is to see our customers come to the showroom and present them with a new collection. It's like seeing kids in a candy store and their excitement about the new colors and models is absolutely amazing to observe. To then help customers get the right Fjällräven range for them that suits their stores.
Favorite Outdoor Activity: I love skiing, cycling and swimming and then a hike out into nature is also something to enjoy with the family. But it is actually mostly the silence I seek when I am in nature. Just sitting there and looking out over the horizon and enjoying the silence is really something that can give energy to the soul.
Current Mountain I'm Climbing: To be able to keep performing like I do right now both at work and in private, I have to start lose some weight. I have had too little focus on my personal health in the last few years and it is starting to be an issue that I need to take seriously and get something done about it.
What I am most proud of in my work: I am proud to represent FENIX OUTDOOR and the values that FENIX stands for, across all our brands. I love the idea that I am helping to make a difference for people who are out and enjoying nature, through the products we sell. Giving people the conditions to have good nature experiences, with the help of our products, can only make one happy and proud.